Say Hi to Our Principal

He Has a Message for You

Principal Signature International Public School

Principal's Message

My dear parents/guardians,

As the pioneer principal of Signature International Public School, I extend a warm and hearty welcome to each one of you.

As you are well acquainted with the saying, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that,” so is the motto of our institution,” From Darkness to Light.”

Education means ‘Educate’, which comes from the Latin word ‘Educere’ meaning ‘to bring up,’ and ‘to develop,’ leading students into a wider world of knowledge. It is essential for learning basic life skills that can make a person more attractive in the job market.

As the saying goes,” If one good quality is allowed to emerge, a world of good qualities will emerge from that one,” for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.

Signature’s endeavour is here to make the poor student good and the good student superior under the guidance of our well-trained faculty members who are ready to consume themselves to light the way for your children.

Do come and visit once, and I assure you, you will never regret your visit.

With warm regards and prayerful wishes,

Ian Burton Matthew

Principal, Signature International Public School

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Student Signature International Public School